
Trying out dishes from other countries is a good way of widening your appreciation of another country but also a means of increasing your vocabulary, reinforcing use of mainstream verbs and with access to YouTube a good way of tuning into accessible listening exercises in your chosen language. You can start with well known more basic dishes where you can predict the cooking method and chosen ingredients.

English Spanish Portuguese French
Add agregar adicionar ajouter
Boil hervir/cocer ferver Faire bouillir
Cook cocinar cozinhar cuire
Drain escurrir escorrer égoutter
Evaporate evaporar evaporar évaporer
Fry freír fritar Faire frire
Grate rallar ralar râper
Heat calentar esquentar/aquecer chauffer
Include incluir incluir incorporer
Juice exprimir fazer suco presser
Knead amasar amassar pétrir
Leave dejar deixar laisser
Mix mezclar misturar mélanger
Nibble mordiscar mordiscar grignoter
Open abrir abrir ouvrir
Pour verter/servir despejar/servir verser
Roast asar assar rôtir
Stir revolver mexer remuer
Unwrap desenvolver desembrulhar ouvrir/dérouler
Weigh pesar pesar peser